UI UX Design, Branding, Website, Logo Design & Marketing Company in Coimbatore


  • The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Services for Your Business

    Navigating the vibrant world of digital marketing can feel daunting for any business owner. With several agencies, consultants, and services all vying for your attention, making the right choice can seem like finding a needle in a haystack. Worry not! This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to discover the perfect digital marketing service that will catapult your business to new heights. 1. Charting Your Course: Defining Your Digital Goals Before embarking on your digital odyssey, it’s crucial to chart your course by defining your goals. What do you hope to achieve through digital marketing? Do you dream of brand awareness, lead generation, increased sales, or a loyal online community? Pinpointing your objectives will serve as a compass, guiding you toward the services and expertise that align with your desired destination. 2. Exploring the Digital Landscape: Digital Marketing Service Think of digital marketing as your trusty map and compass, helping you navigate the online world to connect with your ideal customers. Your toolkit includes various channels, each with its strengths: 3. Identifying the Ideal Partner: Finding the right agency With a firm grasp of your goals and the digital landscape, it’s time to embark on the quest for the perfect digital marketing agency. Here are some key elements to consider: Webchirpy: Your Potential Digital Marketing Agency Webchirpy crafts powerful digital marketing strategies that soar above the competition, driving leads, conversions, and brand loyalty. From social media magic to data-driven insights, Webchirpy helps businesses of all sizes reach new heights. Ready to unlock your online potential? Contact Webchirpy today and let’s get your brand skyrocketing! 4. Investing in Success: Navigating the Pricing Landscape Digital marketing services come in various packages and pricing structures. It’s essential to understand the value each offering brings and find one that aligns with your budget and objectives. Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best; investing in expertise and proven results can yield an immense long-term return. 5. Cultivating Your Online Garden: Continuous Improvement Tips Even with the best digital marketing agency, your online presence requires ongoing nurturing. Here are some tips to keep your digital garden thriving: By following these steps and choosing the right digital marketing agency, you can embark on a transformative journey, propelling your business to new heights of online success. Remember, the digital world is full of opportunities waiting to be unlocked. Seize the day, harness the power of digital marketing, and watch your business blossom!

    The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Service for Your Business

    Navigating the vibrant world of digital marketing can feel daunting for any business owner. With several agencies, consultants, and services all vying for your attention, making the right choice can seem like finding a needle in a haystack. Worry not! This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to discover the perfect digital marketing service that will catapult your business to new heights.

    The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Services for Your Business

    1. Charting Your Course: Defining Your Digital Goals

    Before embarking on your digital odyssey, it’s crucial to chart your course by defining your goals. What do you hope to achieve through digital marketing? Do you dream of brand awareness, lead generation, increased sales, or a loyal online community? Pinpointing your objectives will serve as a compass, guiding you toward the services and expertise that align with your desired destination.

    2. Exploring the Digital Landscape: Digital Marketing Service

    Think of digital marketing as your trusty map and compass, helping you navigate the online world to connect with your ideal customers. Your toolkit includes various channels, each with its strengths:

    1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This is the art of making your website the star of search engine results pages (SERPs), drawing organic traffic and leads.
    2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Paid advertising like Google Ads lets you target specific keywords and boost your visibility online.
    3. Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like are vibrant marketplaces where you can build brand awareness, engage with your audience, and drive conversions.
    4. Email Marketing: Nurturing leads and fostering customer loyalty through personalized email campaigns is a powerful tool not to be underestimated.
    5. Content Marketing: Creating valuable and engaging content like blog posts, videos, and infographics to attract audience.

    3. Identifying the Ideal Partner: Finding the right agency

    With a firm grasp of your goals and the digital landscape, it’s time to embark on the quest for the perfect digital marketing agency. Here are some key elements to consider:

    • Expertise and Services: Does the agency offer the specific services you need, from SEO and content creation to social media management and paid advertising?
    • Case Studies and Testimonials: A track record of success speaks volumes. Ask for case studies showcasing their ability to deliver results in your industry or niche.
    • Cultural Fit and Communication: The agency should feel like an extension of your team. Look for agencies that resonate with your company culture and prioritize clear communication.
    The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Services for Your Business

    Webchirpy: Your Potential Digital Marketing Agency

    Webchirpy crafts powerful digital marketing strategies that soar above the competition, driving leads, conversions, and brand loyalty. From social media magic to data-driven insights, Webchirpy helps businesses of all sizes reach new heights.

    Ready to unlock your online potential? Contact Webchirpy today and let’s get your brand skyrocketing!

    4. Investing in Success: Navigating the Pricing Landscape

    Digital marketing services come in various packages and pricing structures. It’s essential to understand the value each offering brings and find one that aligns with your budget and objectives. Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best; investing in expertise and proven results can yield an immense long-term return.

    5. Cultivating Your Online Garden: Continuous Improvement Tips

    Even with the best digital marketing agency, your online presence requires ongoing nurturing. Here are some tips to keep your digital garden thriving:

    • Content is King: Regularly create high-quality content that engages your audience and provides value.
    • Target the Right Audience: Understand your ideal customer and tailor your messaging accordingly.
    • Embrace Data-Driven Decisions: Track your analytics, identify areas for improvement, and adapt your strategies as needed.
    • Foster Active Engagement: Respond to comments, answer questions, and build meaningful relationships online.

    By following these steps and choosing the right digital marketing agency, you can embark on a transformative journey, propelling your business to new heights of online success. Remember, the digital world is full of opportunities waiting to be unlocked. Seize the day, harness the power of digital marketing, and watch your business blossom!

  • Branding Secret: Unlock Your Business’s Hidden Potential  

    Ready to unleash the hidden potential of your brand? Buckle up for Branding Tips, revealing powerful strategies to crack the code of your brand’s true identity. Your brand is more than just a logo or tagline. It’s the essence of your business, the story you tell, and the emotional connection you forge with your customers. But in today’s crowded marketplace, unlocking your brand’s true potential can feel like cracking a code. Every captivating brand has a story – a narrative that weaves together your values, purpose, and the unique impact you bring to the world. Ask yourself: Why does your business exist? What problem do you solve, and why does it matter? Once you have this core narrative, weave it into your messaging, website copy, and even your social media interactions. These branding tips are your master key to unleash your hidden potential 1. Craft a Compelling Brand Voice: Your brand voice is your personality. It’s the tone you use to connect with your audience, the way you make them laugh, think, and feel. Experiment with different tones and find what resonates with your ideal customer. Is your brand playful and witty? Bold and authoritative? Warm and inviting? Infuse your voice into every touchpoint, from blog posts to customer service emails. 2. Design a Memorable Brand Identity: Your logo, colors, and fonts are the visual ambassadors of your brand. They should be instantly recognizable, evoke the right emotions, and be consistent across all platforms. Invest in professional design to create a brand identity that reflects your story and voice. Remember, consistency is key! Use your chosen color palette, fonts, and logo design elements across your website, social media profiles, marketing materials, and even your office space. 3. Build Brand Consistency: Consistency is the glue that binds your branding efforts together. Ensure every touchpoint, from your website design to your employees’ interactions with customers, reflects your brand identity. This creates a sense of familiarity and trust, making your brand instantly recognizable and memorable. 4. Engage Your Audience: Branding isn’t a one-way street. It’s about building relationships with your customers. Start conversations on social media, share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your team, and actively seek feedback. Show your customers that you value their input and that they’re part of your brand story. 5. Measure and Adapt: Branding is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Track your brand’s performance through website analytics, social media engagement metrics, and customer feedback. Use this data to identify what’s working and what’s not, and adapt your branding strategies accordingly. Remember, the best brands are always evolving and refining their message to stay relevant and resonate with their audience. Unlock the Full Potential with Webchirpy: At Webchirpy, we’re passionate about helping businesses unlock their branding magic. We offer a comprehensive suite of branding services, from crafting compelling brand stories and designing unforgettable brand identities to developing effective brand communication strategies. We’ll partner with you to understand your unique vision and translate it into a brand that attracts, engages, and converts. Ready to unleash your brand’s hidden potential? Contact Webchirpy today and let’s get started on building a brand that wows!

    Branding Tips: Unlock Your Brand’s Hidden Potential  

    Ready to unleash the hidden potential of your brand? Buckle up for Branding Tips, revealing powerful strategies to crack the code of your brand’s true identity. Your brand is more than just a logo or tagline. It’s the essence of your business, the story you tell, and the emotional connection you forge with your customers. But in today’s crowded marketplace, unlocking your brand’s true potential can feel like cracking a code.

    Branding Tips: Unlock Your Brand's Hidden Potential  

    Every captivating brand has a story – a narrative that weaves together your values, purpose, and the unique impact you bring to the world. Ask yourself: Why does your business exist? What problem do you solve, and why does it matter? Once you have this core narrative, weave it into your messaging, website copy, and even your social media interactions.

    These branding tips are your master key to unleash your hidden potential

    1. Craft a Compelling Brand Voice:

    Your brand voice is your personality. It’s the tone you use to connect with your audience, the way you make them laugh, think, and feel. Experiment with different tones and find what resonates with your ideal customer. Is your brand playful and witty? Bold and authoritative? Warm and inviting? Infuse your voice into every touchpoint, from blog posts to customer service emails.

    2. Design a Memorable Brand Identity:

    Your logo, colors, and fonts are the visual ambassadors of your brand. They should be instantly recognizable, evoke the right emotions, and be consistent across all platforms. Invest in professional design to create a brand identity that reflects your story and voice. Remember, consistency is key! Use your chosen color palette, fonts, and logo design elements across your website, social media profiles, marketing materials, and even your office space.

    3. Build Brand Consistency:

    Consistency is the glue that binds your branding efforts together. Ensure every touchpoint, from your website design to your employees’ interactions with customers, reflects your brand identity. This creates a sense of familiarity and trust, making your brand instantly recognizable and memorable.

    4. Engage Your Audience:

    Branding isn’t a one-way street. It’s about building relationships with your customers. Start conversations on social media, share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your team, and actively seek feedback. Show your customers that you value their input and that they’re part of your brand story.

    5. Measure and Adapt:

    Branding is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Track your brand’s performance through website analytics, social media engagement metrics, and customer feedback. Use this data to identify what’s working and what’s not, and adapt your branding strategies accordingly. Remember, the best brands are always evolving and refining their message to stay relevant and resonate with their audience.

    Unlock the Full Potential with Webchirpy:

    At Webchirpy, we’re passionate about helping businesses unlock their branding magic. We offer a comprehensive suite of branding services, from crafting compelling brand stories and designing unforgettable brand identities to developing effective brand communication strategies. We’ll partner with you to understand your unique vision and translate it into a brand that attracts, engages, and converts.

    Ready to unleash your brand’s hidden potential? Contact Webchirpy today and let’s get started on building a brand that wows!

  • Website Development Decoded: Your Guide to Building a Winning Online Presence 

    In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is no longer optional – it’s essential. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding freelancer, your website is your digital storefront, your voice to the world, and a powerful tool for attracting customers, building brand awareness, and achieving your business goals. But for those unfamiliar with website development, the process can seem daunting. Fear not! This comprehensive guide will decode the mysteries of web development, equip you with the knowledge to navigate the journey and empower you to build a winning online presence.   Understanding the Code While you don’t need to be a programming whiz to understand website development, familiarizing yourself with the basic languages involved can help you communicate effectively with your developers. HTML acts as the skeleton of your website, providing the structural foundation. CSS is the artist’s brush, adding style and color to bring your vision to life. JavaScript then breathes life into your website, injecting interactivity and dynamic elements. These are just the core languages, but understanding their roles will give you a solid foundation.   Three Pillars of Development When it comes to website development, three main areas intertwine to create a cohesive online experience:   1. Front-End Development: This refers to the visual aspects you see and interact with, like the layout, graphics, and user interface. Think of it as the beautiful facade of your digital home.   2. Back-End Development: This is the hidden engine that powers your website, handling databases, managing data, and ensuring everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. It’s the invisible architect making sure your house stands strong.   3. Content Management System (CMS): Platforms like WordPress act as bridges, allowing you to manage your website content without needing to dive into code. Imagine it as the interior decoration toolset, letting you personalize your space with ease. The Development Journey Building a website isn’t a one-step process, but a well-defined journey with five distinct stages:   1. Planning and Discovery: This involves defining your goals, target audience, and website functionality. Think of it as laying the groundwork for your dream home.   2. Design and Prototyping: Here, your vision takes shape. Designers craft mockups and user flows, ensuring your website is not only aesthetically pleasing but also intuitive and user-friendly.   3. Development and Coding: This is where the magic happens! Developers bring your designs to life, writing code and building the functionalities that make your website tick.   4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Before launch, rigorous testing ensures your website is bug-free and functions flawlessly across different devices and browsers.   5. Launch and Maintenance: With a triumphant fanfare, your website goes live! But the journey doesn’t end there. Regular updates, maintenance, and SEO optimization are crucial to keep your website flourishing. Preparing for Success Before embarking on your website development journey, there are a few key steps to ensure a smooth and successful process 1. Define your goals: What do you want your website to achieve? Generate leads, increase sales, or build brand awareness? Having clear goals will guide your development decisions.   2. Know your audience: Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your target demographics will inform your design, content, and overall user experience. 3. Research and gather inspiration: Browse successful websites in your industry and identify elements you want to emulate. Create a mood board to visualize your desired aesthetic.   4. Set a budget: Website development can range from DIY budget-friendly options to comprehensive professional services. Determine your budget and find a solution that fits your needs.   5. Choose the right tools and partners: Whether you choose a website builder, hire freelance developers, or partner with a full-service agency, research your options and select a team that aligns with your vision and budget. By understanding the “code” of website development, familiarizing yourself with the different types and stages, and taking the time to prepare, you can navigate the journey with confidence. Remember, your website is an investment in your future, and with the right tools and knowledge, you can build a winning online presence that drives success.   Want expert help in crafting your online masterpiece? Webchirpy offers comprehensive website development services tailored to your unique needs and goals. With our focus on ROI-driven results, custom designs, and competitive pricing, we can help you build a website that not only looks stunning but also delivers real business impact.

    Website Development Decoded: Your Guide to Building a Winning Online Presence.

    In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is no longer optional – it’s essential. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding freelancer, your website is your digital storefront, your voice to the world, and a powerful tool for attracting customers, building brand awareness, and achieving your business goals. But for those unfamiliar with website development, the process can seem daunting. Fear not! This comprehensive guide will decode the mysteries of web development, equip you with the knowledge to navigate the journey and empower you to build a winning online presence.  

    Website Development Decoded: Your Guide to Building a Winning Online Presence  

    Understanding the Code

    While you don’t need to be a programming whiz to understand website development, familiarizing yourself with the basic languages involved can help you communicate effectively with your developers. HTML acts as the skeleton of your website, providing the structural foundation. CSS is the artist’s brush, adding style and color to bring your vision to life. JavaScript then breathes life into your website, injecting interactivity and dynamic elements. These are just the core languages, but understanding their roles will give you a solid foundation.  

    Three Pillars of Development

    When it comes to website development, three main areas intertwine to create a cohesive online experience:  

    1. Front-End Development: This refers to the visual aspects you see and interact with, like the layout, graphics, and user interface. Think of it as the beautiful facade of your digital home.  

    2. Back-End Development: This is the hidden engine that powers your website, handling databases, managing data, and ensuring everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. It’s the invisible architect making sure your house stands strong.  

    3. Content Management System (CMS): Platforms like WordPress act as bridges, allowing you to manage your website content without needing to dive into code. Imagine it as the interior decoration toolset, letting you personalize your space with ease.

    The Development Journey

    Building a website isn’t a one-step process, but a well-defined journey with five distinct stages:  

    1. Planning and Discovery: This involves defining your goals, target audience, and website functionality. Think of it as laying the groundwork for your dream home.  

    2. Design and Prototyping: Here, your vision takes shape. Designers craft mockups and user flows, ensuring your website is not only aesthetically pleasing but also intuitive and user-friendly.  

    3. Development and Coding: This is where the magic happens! Developers bring your designs to life, writing code and building the functionalities that make your website tick.  

    4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Before launch, rigorous testing ensures your website is bug-free and functions flawlessly across different devices and browsers.  

    5. Launch and Maintenance: With a triumphant fanfare, your website goes live! But the journey doesn’t end there. Regular updates, maintenance, and SEO optimization are crucial to keep your website flourishing.

    Website Development Decoded: Your Guide to Building a Winning Online Presence  

    Preparing for Success

    Before embarking on your website development journey, there are a few key steps to ensure a smooth and successful process

    1. Define your goals: What do you want your website to achieve? Generate leads, increase sales, or build brand awareness? Having clear goals will guide your development decisions.  

    2. Know your audience: Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your target demographics will inform your design, content, and overall user experience.

    3. Research and gather inspiration: Browse successful websites in your industry and identify elements you want to emulate. Create a mood board to visualize your desired aesthetic.  

    4. Set a budget: Website development can range from DIY budget-friendly options to comprehensive professional services. Determine your budget and find a solution that fits your needs.  

    5. Choose the right tools and partners: Whether you choose a website builder, hire freelance developers, or partner with a full-service agency, research your options and select a team that aligns with your vision and budget.

    By understanding the “code” of website development, familiarizing yourself with the different types and stages, and taking the time to prepare, you can navigate the journey with confidence. Remember, your website is an investment in your future, and with the right tools and knowledge, you can build a winning online presence that drives success.  

    Want expert help in crafting your online masterpiece? Webchirpy offers comprehensive website development services tailored to your unique needs and goals. With our focus on ROI-driven results, custom designs, and competitive pricing, we can help you build a website that not only looks stunning but also delivers real business impact.

  • How Digital Marketing Can Transform Your Business.

    In today’s digital age, simply having a great product or service isn’t enough. To thrive, businesses need to reach their target audience effectively and build strong relationships with them. That’s where digital marketing comes in – a powerful set of tools and strategies that can transform your business, attracting more customers and boosting your sales like never before. So, what exactly can digital marketing do for your business? Expand your reach Traditional marketing methods often have limitations in terms of geographical reach. Digital marketing, on the other hand, transcends borders and lets you connect with potential customers anywhere in the world. Imagine tapping into a global audience for your local bakery or attracting clients across countries for your consulting services. Target the right audience Forget wasted advertising dollars. Digital marketing platforms allow you to laser-focus your efforts on precisely the people most likely to be interested in your offerings. Using demographics, interests, and online behavior, you can create targeted campaigns that resonate deeply with your ideal customers, significantly increasing the chances of conversions. Build brand awareness From social media engagement to search engine optimization (SEO), digital marketing helps you build brand recognition and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. This consistent online presence fosters trust and credibility, making your business stand out from the competition and attracting customers who actively seek you out. Enhance customer engagement Digital marketing isn’t just about one-way communication. It opens up a two-way street, allowing you to directly interact with your customers, address their concerns, and build stronger relationships. This fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business, turning one-time buyers into enthusiastic advocates for your brand. Measure and optimize Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is all about data-driven decisions. Every click, every conversion, every interaction can be tracked and analyzed, providing valuable insights into your campaign performance. With this knowledge, you can continuously refine your strategies, maximizing your return on investment (ROI) and ensuring your marketing efforts are always working towards your goals. But here’s the thing: navigating the complexities of digital marketing can be overwhelming, especially for small businesses. This is where an agency like Webchirpy comes in. We offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services tailored to your specific needs and budget. Develop a winning digital strategy Our experts will analyze your business, target audience, and industry to create a personalized roadmap for success, leveraging the right mix of channels for maximum impact. Implement effective campaigns From crafting compelling social media content to optimizing your website for search engines, we handle every aspect of your campaign, ensuring professional execution and consistent results. Track and analyze performance We don’t just implement, we measure. Our team provides you with regular reports and insights, allowing you to track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and continuously optimize your campaigns for better results. The impact of digital marketing on the business world has been nothing short of revolutionary. It has leveled the playing field, allowing small businesses to compete with larger corporations and reach a global audience. Shifted the focus from one-size-fits-all marketing to personalized customer experiences. By embracing Digital marketing’s power and leveraging the expertise of a trusted digital marketing agency like Webchirpy, you can attract more customers, and boost your sales. Ready to take the leap? Contact Webchirpy today and let our team help you craft a digital marketing strategy.

    How Digital Marketing Can Transform Your Business.

    In today’s digital age, simply having a great product or service isn’t enough. To thrive, businesses need to reach their target audience effectively and build strong relationships with them. That’s where digital marketing comes in – a powerful set of tools and strategies that can transform your business, attracting more customers and boosting your sales like never before.

    How Digital Marketing Can Transform Your Business.

    So, what exactly can digital marketing do for your business?

    Expand your reach

    Traditional marketing methods often have limitations in terms of geographical reach. Digital marketing, on the other hand, transcends borders and lets you connect with potential customers anywhere in the world. Imagine tapping into a global audience for your local bakery or attracting clients across countries for your consulting services.

    Target the right audience

    Forget wasted advertising dollars. Digital marketing platforms allow you to laser-focus your efforts on precisely the people most likely to be interested in your offerings. Using demographics, interests, and online behavior, you can create targeted campaigns that resonate deeply with your ideal customers, significantly increasing the chances of conversions.

    Build brand awareness

    From social media engagement to search engine optimization (SEO), digital marketing helps you build brand recognition and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. This consistent online presence fosters trust and credibility, making your business stand out from the competition and attracting customers who actively seek you out.

    Enhance customer engagement

    Digital marketing isn’t just about one-way communication. It opens up a two-way street, allowing you to directly interact with your customers, address their concerns, and build stronger relationships. This fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business, turning one-time buyers into enthusiastic advocates for your brand.

    Measure and optimize

    Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is all about data-driven decisions. Every click, every conversion, every interaction can be tracked and analyzed, providing valuable insights into your campaign performance. With this knowledge, you can continuously refine your strategies, maximizing your return on investment (ROI) and ensuring your marketing efforts are always working towards your goals.

    How Digital Marketing Can Transform Your Business.

    But here’s the thing: navigating the complexities of digital marketing can be overwhelming, especially for small businesses. This is where an agency like Webchirpy comes in. We offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services tailored to your specific needs and budget.

    Develop a winning digital strategy

    Our experts will analyze your business, target audience, and industry to create a personalized roadmap for success, leveraging the right mix of channels for maximum impact.

    Implement effective campaigns

    From crafting compelling social media content to optimizing your website for search engines, we handle every aspect of your campaign, ensuring professional execution and consistent results.

    Track and analyze performance

    We don’t just implement, we measure. Our team provides you with regular reports and insights, allowing you to track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and continuously optimize your campaigns for better results.

    The impact of digital marketing on the business world has been nothing short of revolutionary. It has leveled the playing field, allowing small businesses to compete with larger corporations and reach a global audience. Shifted the focus from one-size-fits-all marketing to personalized customer experiences.
    By embracing Digital marketing’s power and leveraging the expertise of a trusted digital marketing agency like Webchirpy, you can attract more customers, and boost your sales.

    Ready to take the leap? Contact Webchirpy today and let our team help you craft a digital marketing strategy.

  • Branding Trends and Insights.

    In the ever-evolving digital landscape, a strong brand is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. But with 2024 just around the corner, what does it take to future-proof your brand and stay ahead of the curve? This article dives deep into the key trends and insights shaping the branding landscape, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to build a brand that thrives in the years to come. 1. Embracing the Evolving Customer Journey: The traditional linear customer journey is fading into the past. Today, customers interact with brands across multiple touchpoints – social media, websites, mobile apps, and physical stores. To succeed, brands must create a seamless and consistent experience across all these channels. This means investing in omnichannel marketing strategies, personalized content, and intuitive user interfaces. Actionable Tip: Conduct a customer journey audit to identify touchpoints and potential friction points. Develop a plan to address these issues and create a seamless experience across all channels. 2. Hyper-Personalization Takes Center Stage: Gone are the days of generic marketing messages. In 2024, brands will need to hyper-personalize their communication to resonate with individual customers. This involves leveraging data analytics and AI to understand customer preferences, purchase history, and online behavior. By tailoring content, offers, and recommendations to individual needs, brands can build stronger relationships and drive loyalty. Actionable Tip: Implement a CRM system and utilize data analytics tools to collect and analyze customer data. Use this information to personalize your marketing campaigns and create targeted content that resonates with specific customer segments. 3. Authenticity and Transparency Reign Supreme: Consumers are increasingly skeptical of brands that seem inauthentic or shrouded in secrecy. In 2024, transparency and real-world values will be key differentiators. Brands that champion social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical practices will attract and retain customers who value these principles. Actionable Tip: Conduct a brand audit to identify your core values and how they align with your target audience. Communicate your values clearly and authentically through your brand messaging and actions. Consider partnering with organizations that share your values to further amplify your message. 4. The Rise of the Micro-Influencer: While celebrity endorsements still hold some sway, the rise of micro-influencers is undeniable. These everyday individuals with engaged social media followings can offer a more relatable and authentic voice for brands. Partnering with micro-influencers who align with your brand values can be a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience and build trust. Actionable Tip: Research micro-influencers in your industry who have a strong engagement rate and resonate with your target audience. Develop strategic partnerships with these individuals to create engaging content and promote your brand to their followers. 5. The Power of Storytelling: In a world saturated with content, brands need to stand out by telling compelling stories. Storytelling helps connect with customers on an emotional level, build brand identity, and create lasting memories. Whether it’s through video, social media posts, or customer testimonials, focus on weaving narratives that resonate with your audience and showcase your brand’s unique value proposition. Actionable Tip: Identify your brand’s core story and develop ways to share it across different channels. Use storytelling to highlight your values, mission, and the impact you make on real people. Overall, branding is an essential part of any successful business. By investing in your brand, you can reap a number of benefits, including increased sales, customer loyalty, and employee morale. Ready to Future-Proof Your Brand? By embracing these trends and insights, you can build a brand that thrives in the ever-evolving landscape of 2024. Remember, branding is a continuous journey, not a destination. Stay informed, adapt to changing trends, and consistently deliver value to your customers. With dedication and a strategic approach, you can create a brand that stands out from the crowd and secures its place in the future. And if you’re looking for expert guidance on your branding journey, consider exploring the Branding services offered by Webchirpy. Their team of experienced professionals can help you develop a brand identity that resonates with your audience and drives success in the years to come.

    Branding in 2024: Trends and Insights.

    In the ever-evolving digital landscape, a strong brand is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. But with 2024 just around the corner, what does it take to future-proof your brand and stay ahead of the curve? This article dives deep into the key trends and insights shaping the branding landscape, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to build a brand that thrives in the years to come.

    1. Embracing the Evolving Customer Journey:

    The traditional linear customer journey is fading into the past. Today, customers interact with brands across multiple touchpoints – social media, websites, mobile apps, and physical stores. To succeed, brands must create a seamless and consistent experience across all these channels. This means investing in omnichannel marketing strategies, personalized content, and intuitive user interfaces.

    Actionable Tip: Conduct a customer journey audit to identify touchpoints and potential friction points. Develop a plan to address these issues and create a seamless experience across all channels.

    2. Hyper-Personalization Takes Center Stage:

    Gone are the days of generic marketing messages. In 2024, brands will need to hyper-personalize their communication to resonate with individual customers. This involves leveraging data analytics and AI to understand customer preferences, purchase history, and online behavior. By tailoring content, offers, and recommendations to individual needs, brands can build stronger relationships and drive loyalty.

    Actionable Tip: Implement a CRM system and utilize data analytics tools to collect and analyze customer data. Use this information to personalize your marketing campaigns and create targeted content that resonates with specific customer segments.

    3. Authenticity and Transparency Reign Supreme:

    Consumers are increasingly skeptical of brands that seem inauthentic or shrouded in secrecy. In 2024, transparency and real-world values will be key differentiators. Brands that champion social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical practices will attract and retain customers who value these principles.

    Actionable Tip: Conduct a brand audit to identify your core values and how they align with your target audience. Communicate your values clearly and authentically through your brand messaging and actions. Consider partnering with organizations that share your values to further amplify your message.

    4. The Rise of the Micro-Influencer:

    While celebrity endorsements still hold some sway, the rise of micro-influencers is undeniable. These everyday individuals with engaged social media followings can offer a more relatable and authentic voice for brands. Partnering with micro-influencers who align with your brand values can be a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience and build trust.

    Actionable Tip: Research micro-influencers in your industry who have a strong engagement rate and resonate with your target audience. Develop strategic partnerships with these individuals to create engaging content and promote your brand to their followers.

    5. The Power of Storytelling:

    In a world saturated with content, brands need to stand out by telling compelling stories. Storytelling helps connect with customers on an emotional level, build brand identity, and create lasting memories. Whether it’s through video, social media posts, or customer testimonials, focus on weaving narratives that resonate with your audience and showcase your brand’s unique value proposition.

    Actionable Tip: Identify your brand’s core story and develop ways to share it across different channels. Use storytelling to highlight your values, mission, and the impact you make on real people.

    Overall, branding is an essential part of any successful business. By investing in your brand, you can reap a number of benefits, including increased sales, customer loyalty, and employee morale.

    Ready to Future-Proof Your Brand?

    By embracing these trends and insights, you can build a brand that thrives in the ever-evolving landscape of 2024. Remember, branding is a continuous journey, not a destination. Stay informed, adapt to changing trends, and consistently deliver value to your customers. With dedication and a strategic approach, you can create a brand that stands out from the crowd and secures its place in the future.

    And if you’re looking for expert guidance on your branding journey, consider exploring the Branding services offered by Webchirpy. Their team of experienced professionals can help you develop a brand identity that resonates with your audience and drives success in the years to come.

  • Maggi, Nestle India’s single-largest revenue earner, was banned in June 2015 for six months across India on allegations that it contained chemicals beyond prescribed limits. The company had to recall 38,000 tonnes of Maggi noodles from millions of retail shelves and destroy them. The ban was relaxed in November 2015. The controversy has been the biggest faced by the listed Indian arm of the world’s biggest packaged foods maker — Nestle, with Maggi losing over Rs 1,000 crore in sales and a serious dent to its brand image. Maggi had returned to store shelves by November ’15 after multiple clearances from government-certified laboratories, and also returned to the leadership position with re-conquering market share of 60% in 2017. Source. Rising to market leader position in a short span of time after series of such brand devastating incidents is something that other companies wouldn’t be dared to think about if it ain’t for Maggi. I never thought we would have a recovery as fast as we had. For a brand that was critically declared dead in June 2015, coming to under 60% of the market share is a big deal. — Nestle India, Chairman & MD, Suresh Narayanan. Source: business today Though several measures have been taken by the company to bring the brand back to life, to gain back the same level of trust & love is definitely a rare possibility. But Maggi seems to have achieved this. The mystical force behind Maggie to stage a such an epic comeback lies in the secret — how it is branded — the emotional branding principles that were used in the making of this legendary brand. Let us uncover those in detail. Building Strong Tagline tapping on the problem statements: A tagline is a three to seven word phrase that accompanies your logo. It expresses your company’s most important benefits and/or what you want your customers to remember about working with you. Think of it as the words you want to linger in your target customers mind about you and what you have to offer. Early Indian consumer market was unused to fast foods & was very reluctant to welcome a change in their food habits. Nestle had to promote noodles as a concept before it could promote Maggi as a brand. They used strong taglines which tapped on the problem statements to address this. It was devised as a two-pronged strategy to attract mothers on the ‘health & convenience’ plank and lure kids on the ‘fun’ plank. Strong Visual Identity: When it comes to branding, your visual identity plays a huge part in creating a great impression whether it be the first one or an everlasting one. Maggie has been doing this so efficiently that they managed to check all the boxes in visual branding. Be it creative packaging, colour selection, logo consistency — they are spot on.

    Maggi — The name which showed the power of branding.

    Maggi, Nestle India’s single-largest revenue earner, was banned in June 2015 for six months across India on allegations that it contained chemicals beyond prescribed limits.

    The company had to recall 38,000 tonnes of Maggi noodles from millions of retail shelves and destroy them. The ban was relaxed in November 2015.

    The controversy has been the biggest faced by the listed Indian arm of the world’s biggest packaged foods maker — Nestle, with Maggi losing over Rs 1,000 crore in sales and a serious dent to its brand image.

    Maggi had returned to store shelves by November ’15 after multiple clearances from government-certified laboratories, and also returned to the leadership position with re-conquering market share of 60% in 2017. Source.

    Rising to market leader position in a short span of time after series of such brand devastating incidents is something that other companies wouldn’t be dared to think about if it ain’t for Maggi.

    I never thought we would have a recovery as fast as we had. For a brand that was critically declared dead in June 2015, coming to under 60% of the market share is a big deal. — Nestle India, Chairman & MD, Suresh Narayanan. Source: business today

    Though several measures have been taken by the company to bring the brand back to life, to gain back the same level of trust & love is definitely a rare possibility. But Maggi seems to have achieved this. The mystical force behind Maggie to stage a such an epic comeback lies in the secret — how it is branded — the emotional branding principles that were used in the making of this legendary brand. Let us uncover those in detail.

    Building Strong Tagline tapping on the problem statements:

    A tagline is a three to seven word phrase that accompanies your logo. It expresses your company’s most important benefits and/or what you want your customers to remember about working with you. Think of it as the words you want to linger in your target customers mind about you and what you have to offer.

    Early Indian consumer market was unused to fast foods & was very reluctant to welcome a change in their food habits. Nestle had to promote noodles as a concept before it could promote Maggi as a brand. They used strong taglines which tapped on the problem statements to address this.

    • 2 mins noodles — Convenience.
    • Taste Bhi Health Bhi — Health.
    • 2-minute mein Khushiyan (Happiness in 2 minutes) — Fun & Happiness.

    It was devised as a two-pronged strategy to attract mothers on the ‘health & convenience’ plank and lure kids on the ‘fun’ plank.

    Strong Visual Identity:

    When it comes to branding, your visual identity plays a huge part in creating a great impression whether it be the first one or an everlasting one.

    Maggie has been doing this so efficiently that they managed to check all the boxes in visual branding. Be it creative packaging, colour selection, logo consistency — they are spot on.

    • Colour selection — red & yellow — bright, attractive — scientifically known to induce hunger in human beings.
    • Logo consistency — literally remained unchanged since its origin — with such a consistent logo & colour elements, every age group will be able to relate to the brand over a period of time, evoking nostalgia. Here’s a great piece on — Why Nostalgia Marketing Works So Well With Millennials.
    • Packaging — creative & establishing a personal connection — Maggi ran a campaign “Meri Maggi — 2 minute mein Khushiyan” — Where in they featured short personal stories from customers on its wrapper and marketed it country-wide, making an emotional bridge. At times, their packaging also consisted of various tools of sales promotion like colour pencils, sketchbooks & fun toys which worked wonders especially in enhancing the brand reach among students & kids.

  • Word of mouth marketing strategy ticks all the right boxes for startup companies on a tight marketing budget. Two indisputable aspects of word of mouth marketing — reliability and effectiveness — helped businesses to thrive in the past. Its evolution into customer reviews to fit into the digital world in the era of e-commerce makes it relevant and indispensable. The powerful impact of customer reviews  on online businesses has made it a force to be reckoned with. 92% of respondents reported that a positive recommendation from a friend, family member, or someone they trust is the biggest influence on whether they buy a product or service.” 
― Paul M. Rand, President/CEO of Zocalo Group. According to a top investment bank, in 2016, 60 million people in India shopped online, but that number is expected to increase tenfold by 2026. With the availability of a plethora of reasonably priced internet plans, online shopping is set to become predominant. It is one thing to sell your product to the customer in person and it is another to do it online where it is impossible to sweet-talk customers into purchasing your products or services. “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.”– Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon. Amazon.com carries more than 400 million products; Flipkart.com carries more than 80 million products. Let that sink in for a minute. With more and more people getting online with each passing day, getting used to shopping online, how do you plan on selling your products online or even choosing the best e-commerce platform for it? The answer to the above questions lies in understanding the power of customer reviews, the inner workings of your chosen e-commerce platform, and the importance of having an independent website for your business. Why are customer reviews important for online businesses? Online or offline, discerning customers are hard to impress. Even in the past, prospective customers actively listened to their friends and family for customer reviews before they decided to purchase products or services. “A customer talking about their experience with you is worth ten times that which you write or say about yourself”
      ― David J. Greer, Wind In Your Sails. The decision-making process, when buying something online is heavily shaped by customer reviews. In order to boost your business online, it’s imperative to understand the vitality of customer experience and customer satisfaction that is readily available on display for prospective customers when they shop online. How to build trust online? To win customers online, you need to win their trust from the get-go. When a customer is looking to buy a product online, the first thing they eye on is the customer reviews section. Positive customer reviews wield the kind of power that viral marketing campaigns do. But at the end of the day, viral campaigns can only help so much as creating brand awareness, whereas positive customer reviews are what galvanizes people into buying a product or service. “People trust people more than they trust institutions”―Joe Chernov, CMO – InsightSquared. More often than not, customers take to the platform of their purchase and social media to voice their opinions, especially the negative ones. So, what happens when a customer is thwarted by a bunch of negative customer reviews posted by other customers of their chosen brand? How do e-commerce platforms work? Well, this is where an e-commerce’s complex yet robust product recommendation algorithm comes into play. Almost all e-commerce platforms display an array of recommended products to help customers reach a definitive decision, making sales happen by creating what economists would call a spillover effect. These providers also bundle a bunch of products that are frequently bought by other customers / similar products viewed by them to boost cross-selling. THAT. That’s the sweet spot every startup company wants to be in; one way to get your voice heard in a crowded marketplace that’s bombarded with new products every single day. That spot is expensive — e-commerce platforms are actively looking for opportunities to monetize by including an array of sponsored products along with the above mentioned sections — and not guaranteed. Even if you manage to grab a spot for your product, without positive customer reviews, you cannot fuel sales. What should you do? If you are a nascent company selling products, you are tasked with the responsibility of choosing a step in the right direction. Here are a few key points to assist you in the process of setting your online store. If things are done right on a data-driven e-commerce platform, algorithms will love you. So, you’ve set up your store on an e-commerce website. Business is picking up. Customer reviews start to come in. All is good. You sell some more. Wait, is that it? Yes! — only if you’re a happy go lucky seller. But to be able to vault past your fierce business rivals, you will need the edge that only an independent website can give you.

    The Impact of Customer Reviews on Online Businesses

    Word of mouth marketing strategy ticks all the right boxes for startup companies on a tight marketing budget. Two indisputable aspects of word of mouth marketing — reliability and effectiveness — helped businesses to thrive in the past. Its evolution into customer reviews to fit into the digital world in the era of e-commerce makes it relevant and indispensable. The powerful impact of customer reviews  on online businesses has made it a force to be reckoned with.

    92% of respondents reported that a positive recommendation from a friend, family member, or someone they trust is the biggest influence on whether they buy a product or service.” 
― Paul M. Rand, President/CEO of Zocalo Group.

    According to a top investment bank, in 2016, 60 million people in India shopped online, but that number is expected to increase tenfold by 2026. With the availability of a plethora of reasonably priced internet plans, online shopping is set to become predominant. It is one thing to sell your product to the customer in person and it is another to do it online where it is impossible to sweet-talk customers into purchasing your products or services.

    “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.”
    – Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon.

    Amazon.com carries more than 400 million products; Flipkart.com carries more than 80 million products. Let that sink in for a minute. With more and more people getting online with each passing day, getting used to shopping online, how do you plan on selling your products online or even choosing the best e-commerce platform for it? The answer to the above questions lies in understanding the power of customer reviews, the inner workings of your chosen e-commerce platform, and the importance of having an independent website for your business.

    Why are customer reviews important for online businesses?

    Online or offline, discerning customers are hard to impress. Even in the past, prospective customers actively listened to their friends and family for customer reviews before they decided to purchase products or services.

    “A customer talking about their experience with you is worth ten times that which you write or say about yourself”
      ― David J. Greer, Wind In Your Sails.

    The decision-making process, when buying something online is heavily shaped by customer reviews. In order to boost your business online, it’s imperative to understand the vitality of customer experience and customer satisfaction that is readily available on display for prospective customers when they shop online.

    How to build trust online?

    To win customers online, you need to win their trust from the get-go. When a customer is looking to buy a product online, the first thing they eye on is the customer reviews section. Positive customer reviews wield the kind of power that viral marketing campaigns do. But at the end of the day, viral campaigns can only help so much as creating brand awareness, whereas positive customer reviews are what galvanizes people into buying a product or service.

    “People trust people more than they trust institutions”
    ―Joe Chernov, CMO – InsightSquared.

    More often than not, customers take to the platform of their purchase and social media to voice their opinions, especially the negative ones. So, what happens when a customer is thwarted by a bunch of negative customer reviews posted by other customers of their chosen brand?

    How do e-commerce platforms work?

    Well, this is where an e-commerce’s complex yet robust product recommendation algorithm comes into play. Almost all e-commerce platforms display an array of recommended products to help customers reach a definitive decision, making sales happen by creating what economists would call a spillover effect.

    These providers also bundle a bunch of products that are frequently bought by other customers / similar products viewed by them to boost cross-selling. THAT. That’s the sweet spot every startup company wants to be in; one way to get your voice heard in a crowded marketplace that’s bombarded with new products every single day. That spot is expensive — e-commerce platforms are actively looking for opportunities to monetize by including an array of sponsored products along with the above mentioned sections — and not guaranteed. Even if you manage to grab a spot for your product, without positive customer reviews, you cannot fuel sales.

    What should you do?

    If you are a nascent company selling products, you are tasked with the responsibility of choosing a step in the right direction. Here are a few key points to assist you in the process of setting your online store.

    • Choose a seller platform that’s data-driven
    • Fill in the description box with appropriate keywords
    • Post high-quality photos of your product.
    • Be accurate with technical details
    • Respond to customer queries consistently

    If things are done right on a data-driven e-commerce platform, algorithms will love you.

    So, you’ve set up your store on an e-commerce website. Business is picking up. Customer reviews start to come in. All is good. You sell some more. Wait, is that it? Yes! — only if you’re a happy go lucky seller. But to be able to vault past your fierce business rivals, you will need the edge that only an independent website can give you.

  • It only takes seconds for someone to decide if you’re trustworthy and competent, and research shows that first impressions are very difficult to change. The same is true when it comes to brands. When we are exposed to a brand for the very first time, We are asking ourselves, Subconsciously, Three main questions The magic potion that answers these questions without even being asked directly is what called ‘Branding’. Yes!! Branding is all about creating trust, meeting expectations & making it distinct or better. Branding is what that provides your business, a great first impression & is also a campaign that delivers long-term results. Now, How the heck to brand. Four pillars to establish a strong brand identity in the contemporary world. Visual Brand Identity. First things first. Visual identity is made up of the visible images associated with your brand. They are the elements that guide customers to perceive your brand visually in their memory. Basic Elements of VBI: These should be designed with utmost attention to details, wherein factors like colour psychology, target audience research should be put to use. One grave mistake that small businesses tend to make is to compromise quality on these visual brand elements therein failing at the very first level of building brand trust and credibility. Don’t be penny wise pound foolish on this matter. Hire professionals in building your brand identity, there are a really impressive number of brand agencies like us out there who put their caffeine-infused blood & sweat to bring out the best results possible. Brand Story. Messages delivered as stories can be 22x more memorable than facts. But we all seem to fall into the trap of throwing out facts and figures which end up falling on deaf ears. Thereby failing miserably to create a memory or impression which is the very essence of brand marketing. Stories can be told through quality content and impressive visuals. Your story can be educational, emotional, entertaining or even inspiring one. Try including the Reason you have started, What drives you every day, What you strive to be & Values you stand for. ‘People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe’ — Simon Sinek. Brand Voice. Brand voice is not about hiring a person to yell at passersby to get them into your store, but in case if you employ one, What does he gonna say, Does he gonna whisper, ‘Hey Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to our store’ or does he gonna rapt, ‘Yov boys & girls, hasta la vista’. Determining that is much similar to determining your brand voice. The personality of your brand is determined by the words you use and the sentences you write. It may be in your print materials, commercials, websites or for that matter wherever it’s possible. This is known as brand voice. Brand voice is a crucial part of your business identity. It keeps you distinct from your competitors. It’s usually referred to emulate your target audience and match their speaking style so that an instant connection is established. Online Presence. Have your own interesting website and be present on relevant social media channels. If you are selling a product be present on Amazon. If you are a retail/restaurant be there on Instagram which people are using to see photos of the place they gonna visit beforehand. If you provide professional services like us, LinkedIn is mandatory. When your business model relies heavily on you yourself i.e a writer, blogger, influencer type then Twitter or Facebook would be the right match. And being present is not posting kitten gifs once a week/month, be f*&#** present for real. Post useful & relevant content for your target audience, Consistency is the key. Try to be different than better. That’s how you win the game online. If done right, the level of brand awareness one could create in the digital — marketplace is utterly unimaginable unlike in the past where the internet hasn’t evolved, especially for the businesses. If your product quality is good and if you are taking these four pillars of branding seriously and putting the efforts required, then Your Brand Means Business.

    WTF is Branding & How the heck to do it.

    It only takes seconds for someone to decide if you’re trustworthy and competent, and research shows that first impressions are very difficult to change. The same is true when it comes to brands.

    When we are exposed to a brand for the very first time, We are asking ourselves, Subconsciously, Three main questions

    • Can I trust this brand?
    • Is this brand capable of meeting my expectations?
    • How is this different/better than others?

    The magic potion that answers these questions without even being asked directly is what called ‘Branding’. Yes!! Branding is all about creating trust, meeting expectations & making it distinct or better. Branding is what that provides your business, a great first impression & is also a campaign that delivers long-term results.

    Now, How the heck to brand.

    Four pillars to establish a strong brand identity in the contemporary world.

    Visual Brand Identity.

    First things first. Visual identity is made up of the visible images associated with your brand. They are the elements that guide customers to perceive your brand visually in their memory.

    Basic Elements of VBI:

    • Logo
    • Colors
    • Typography
    • Physical Marketing Materials (Brochure, Business card, Banners, Posters, Flyers, Stickers..)
    • Online Marketing Materials (Social media posts, Mailer Design, Videos, Presentations..)
    • Digital Signage
    • Store Environment & Atmosphere.

    These should be designed with utmost attention to details, wherein factors like colour psychology, target audience research should be put to use. One grave mistake that small businesses tend to make is to compromise quality on these visual brand elements therein failing at the very first level of building brand trust and credibility.

    Don’t be penny wise pound foolish on this matter. Hire professionals in building your brand identity, there are a really impressive number of brand agencies like us out there who put their caffeine-infused blood & sweat to bring out the best results possible.

    Brand Story.

    Messages delivered as stories can be 22x more memorable than facts. But we all seem to fall into the trap of throwing out facts and figures which end up falling on deaf ears. Thereby failing miserably to create a memory or impression which is the very essence of brand marketing.

    Stories can be told through quality content and impressive visuals. Your story can be educational, emotional, entertaining or even inspiring one. Try including the Reason you have started, What drives you every day, What you strive to be & Values you stand for.

    ‘People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe’ — Simon Sinek.

    Brand Voice.

    Brand voice is not about hiring a person to yell at passersby to get them into your store, but in case if you employ one, What does he gonna say, Does he gonna whisper, ‘Hey Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to our store’ or does he gonna rapt, ‘Yov boys & girls, hasta la vista’. Determining that is much similar to determining your brand voice.

    The personality of your brand is determined by the words you use and the sentences you write. It may be in your print materials, commercials, websites or for that matter wherever it’s possible. This is known as brand voice.

    Brand voice is a crucial part of your business identity. It keeps you distinct from your competitors. It’s usually referred to emulate your target audience and match their speaking style so that an instant connection is established.

    Online Presence.

    Have your own interesting website and be present on relevant social media channels. If you are selling a product be present on Amazon. If you are a retail/restaurant be there on Instagram which people are using to see photos of the place they gonna visit beforehand. If you provide professional services like us, LinkedIn is mandatory. When your business model relies heavily on you yourself i.e a writer, blogger, influencer type then Twitter or Facebook would be the right match.

    And being present is not posting kitten gifs once a week/month, be f*&#** present for real. Post useful & relevant content for your target audience, Consistency is the key. Try to be different than better. That’s how you win the game online.

    If done right, the level of brand awareness one could create in the digital — marketplace is utterly unimaginable unlike in the past where the internet hasn’t evolved, especially for the businesses.

    If your product quality is good and if you are taking these four pillars of branding seriously and putting the efforts required, then Your Brand Means Business.

  • Hi folks! We have planned weekly giveaways of designer posters, icon sets, mobile/desktop wallpapers, tees and more. Amidst all busy schedule & clients work, we put part of our time and effort in creating these giveaway designs & materials. You might wonder why we are doing this, the answer is simple… because why not, why not spread the goodness of design, why not bend some rules, why not embed value into everyone’s life through design, this is the least we can do for being in the creative industry. You can call it “giving back to the community”, only our community being little large, it consists of you, me and all who have a taste for design. You know what’s in it for us, Creative freedom & Satisfaction. Not every work is meant to monetised. Not every design we do is to feed our stomach, sometimes we design to feed our soul. “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”– Mother Teresa This is what keeps us alive and this is what keeps us open to experimentation, learning & growth. More giveaways are on the way..so stay tuned.! Do let us know in the comments your thoughts & suggestions.

    Giveaways – The way of showing our love and gratitude to you.

    Hi folks! We have planned weekly giveaways of designer posters, icon sets, mobile/desktop wallpapers, tees and more.

    Amidst all busy schedule & clients work, we put part of our time and effort in creating these giveaway designs & materials. You might wonder why we are doing this, the answer is simple… because why not, why not spread the goodness of design, why not bend some rules, why not embed value into everyone’s life through design, this is the least we can do for being in the creative industry. You can call it “giving back to the community”, only our community being little large, it consists of you, me and all who have a taste for design. You know what’s in it for us, Creative freedom & Satisfaction. Not every work is meant to monetised. Not every design we do is to feed our stomach, sometimes we design to feed our soul.

    “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
    – Mother Teresa

    This is what keeps us alive and this is what keeps us open to experimentation, learning & growth.

    More giveaways are on the way..so stay tuned.! Do let us know in the comments your thoughts & suggestions.

  • The Digital Marketing has become a force to reckon with, especially for a restaurant & food business. It’s almost the end of 2018. You can’t avoid social media anymore. Everyone uses it, and at the very least, your small business should have an Instagram and Facebook page that you keep up-to-date with business information and hours. You should also be posting regularly (at least a couple of post a day) to keep your business fresh in the minds of consumers. Choose the right platform, generally, for a small restaurant business, the rule of thumb is Instagram over FB and other social media. Yet you need an FB page to run your ads on Instagram. So, go ahead create both. Now you have decided upon the platform, let’s analyse what to post, how to grow your audience, boost sales and establish a solid fan following for your food business. High-quality photos Arguably the very best way to promote your restaurant online is with high-quality, drool-inducing photos. Visual content is in high demand online these days, and having delicious looking photos on your social media outlets is an inherent way of attracting hungry eyes. User-generated content Lots of restaurants post the best images of their best dishes, but because there’s so much out there, you need to find a way to be different. User-generated content is a great way to develop a personal and faithful bond with users. Host a photo contest by asking customers to share their favourite meal at your shop, and share them on your various social networks. Consider awarding some random lucky contestants with a free meal or other exciting offers! Posting and promoting user-generated content shows customers that you appreciate them, turning occasional visitors into hardcore fans. Also, don’t be afraid to get feedback from your audience. Ask what their favourite dishes and desserts are. Reply to comments and engage. Building a reputation Social media allows brands to express their personality or communicate who they are to the world. Take this opportunity to introduce your cooks, stewards & management. Showing off your pleasant employees further provides significant reputation – happy workers say a lot about a business, and followers are sure to take notice of it. Instead of going all promotional, give your audience interesting food tips, nutritional facts, ask them for their favourite combo or mix, Show them you care. Show them you bring them value. Enhancing discoverability through hashtags The power of using the right hashtags in Instagram is profoundly underestimated. It can drive huge post engagements and the chances of new people discovering your business are substantially increased. Most popular Instagram foodie hashtags are #foodie #food #foodporn #instafood #foodgasm #foodphotography #foodblogger #foodstagram #yummy #foodlover #delicious #instagood #foods #healthyfood #healthy #yum #foodpics #foodblog #tasty #foodpic #eat #lunch #breakfast #dinner #vegan #dessert #travel #foodiegram #healthylifestyle Try to combine them with your city, food type and your brand name to get the best out of hashtags. Influencer Marketing Recommendations and word-of-mouth will always be the most powerful form of marketing. That doesn’t mean you need to sit around and wait for customers to start talking about your restaurant. Invite local bloggers and restaurant critics to dine with you. Show off your latest ideas and newest dishes, then ask if they’ll post/write about you. There are even paid channels to get people with big social media followings to talk about you. Make it sure that your paid influencers have the right set of audience you are aiming for. Simply put, influencer marketing is, instead of marketing to your target audience directly, you pay or inspire influential people in your niche to get the word out about you. When it comes to social media users, influencers are basically the strongest referrals that your business can get. Offers & Giveaways Providing coupons and discounts for your restaurant is always a surefire way to bring customers to your doorstep. Make use of celebratory occasions, holidays, weekends to run social media campaigns framed around them, when combined with promotional offers like Buy one get one, Flat 20% etc., they favour to draw new customers & boost your sales. Partner Up With Delivery Services In today’s online-driven environment, convenience is the new necessity. Many online delivery services streamline the ordering process, and millennials love taking advantage of such delivery services. Partner with food order & delivery services like: Chances are many customers discover you for the first time through these services! Google My Business Listings Nothing rivals as a solid local search marketing strategy for small businesses. Many consumers research online prior to choosing a restaurant in a new place. This is why it’s of vital importance that all your restaurant details are online and up-to-date, including address, phone number, hours and your current menu. Local search marketing consists of claiming and optimizing your business’s online listings so that you show up in relevant local searches. There’s a lot to local search, but when it’s done right, it puts your business on the map so local consumers find you when they need your products or services. Thus making enrolling your business in “Google my business page” a mandatory one for every business, unless you are voluntarily trying to live under a rock. And don’t be hesitant to ask for a google rating if you find your customers in good mood. In today’s era of the Internet, reviews drive business. It’s that simple and you have to do something about it. It can be even as simple as having a poster in the dining area/counter asking for a good review for your business. Power of Geo-Targeted Ads Geo-targeted ads help you save money, ensuring that only users in certain cities or within a specific radius see your ads (eliminating non-relevant engagements, which can cost you hefty Ad money). Many online advertising services, from Google Ads to Facebook and Twitter, offer geo-targeting Ad options. Be sure to take advantage of these handy targeting features to get your best ads in front of your best

    Digital Marketing tips for restaurants & food business.

    The Digital Marketing has become a force to reckon with, especially for a restaurant & food business.

    It’s almost the end of 2018. You can’t avoid social media anymore. Everyone uses it, and at the very least, your small business should have an Instagram and Facebook page that you keep up-to-date with business information and hours. You should also be posting regularly (at least a couple of post a day) to keep your business fresh in the minds of consumers.

    Choose the right platform, generally, for a small restaurant business, the rule of thumb is Instagram over FB and other social media. Yet you need an FB page to run your ads on Instagram. So, go ahead create both.

    Now you have decided upon the platform, let’s analyse what to post, how to grow your audience, boost sales and establish a solid fan following for your food business.

    High-quality photos

    Arguably the very best way to promote your restaurant online is with high-quality, drool-inducing photos. Visual content is in high demand online these days, and having delicious looking photos on your social media outlets is an inherent way of attracting hungry eyes.

    User-generated content

    Lots of restaurants post the best images of their best dishes, but because there’s so much out there, you need to find a way to be different.

    User-generated content is a great way to develop a personal and faithful bond with users. Host a photo contest by asking customers to share their favourite meal at your shop, and share them on your various social networks. Consider awarding some random lucky contestants with a free meal or other exciting offers!

    Posting and promoting user-generated content shows customers that you appreciate them, turning occasional visitors into hardcore fans. Also, don’t be afraid to get feedback from your audience. Ask what their favourite dishes and desserts are. Reply to comments and engage.

    Building a reputation

    Social media allows brands to express their personality or communicate who they are to the world. Take this opportunity to introduce your cooks, stewards & management. Showing off your pleasant employees further provides significant reputation – happy workers say a lot about a business, and followers are sure to take notice of it.

    Instead of going all promotional, give your audience interesting food tips, nutritional facts, ask them for their favourite combo or mix, Show them you care. Show them you bring them value.

    Enhancing discoverability through hashtags

    The power of using the right hashtags in Instagram is profoundly underestimated. It can drive huge post engagements and the chances of new people discovering your business are substantially increased.

    Most popular Instagram foodie hashtags are

    #foodie #food #foodporn #instafood #foodgasm #foodphotography #foodblogger #foodstagram #yummy #foodlover #delicious #instagood #foods #healthyfood #healthy #yum #foodpics #foodblog #tasty #foodpic #eat #lunch #breakfast #dinner #vegan #dessert #travel #foodiegram #healthylifestyle

    Try to combine them with your city, food type and your brand name to get the best out of hashtags.

    Influencer Marketing

    Recommendations and word-of-mouth will always be the most powerful form of marketing. That doesn’t mean you need to sit around and wait for customers to start talking about your restaurant.

    Invite local bloggers and restaurant critics to dine with you. Show off your latest ideas and newest dishes, then ask if they’ll post/write about you. There are even paid channels to get people with big social media followings to talk about you. Make it sure that your paid influencers have the right set of audience you are aiming for.

    Simply put, influencer marketing is, instead of marketing to your target audience directly, you pay or inspire influential people in your niche to get the word out about you.

    When it comes to social media users, influencers are basically the strongest referrals that your business can get.

    Offers & Giveaways

    Providing coupons and discounts for your restaurant is always a surefire way to bring customers to your doorstep. Make use of celebratory occasions, holidays, weekends to run social media campaigns framed around them, when combined with promotional offers like Buy one get one, Flat 20% etc., they favour to draw new customers & boost your sales.

    Partner Up With Delivery Services

    In today’s online-driven environment, convenience is the new necessity. Many online delivery services streamline the ordering process, and millennials love taking advantage of such delivery services.

    Partner with food order & delivery services like:

    • Zomato
    • Uber eats
    • Swiggy

    Chances are many customers discover you for the first time through these services!

    Google My Business Listings

    Nothing rivals as a solid local search marketing strategy for small businesses.

    Many consumers research online prior to choosing a restaurant in a new place. This is why it’s of vital importance that all your restaurant details are online and up-to-date, including address, phone number, hours and your current menu.

    Local search marketing consists of claiming and optimizing your business’s online listings so that you show up in relevant local searches. There’s a lot to local search, but when it’s done right, it puts your business on the map so local consumers find you when they need your products or services. Thus making enrolling your business in “Google my business page” a mandatory one for every business, unless you are voluntarily trying to live under a rock.

    And don’t be hesitant to ask for a google rating if you find your customers in good mood. In today’s era of the Internet, reviews drive business. It’s that simple and you have to do something about it. It can be even as simple as having a poster in the dining area/counter asking for a good review for your business.

    Power of Geo-Targeted Ads

    Geo-targeted ads help you save money, ensuring that only users in certain cities or within a specific radius see your ads (eliminating non-relevant engagements, which can cost you hefty Ad money).

    Many online advertising services, from Google Ads to Facebook and Twitter, offer geo-targeting Ad options. Be sure to take advantage of these handy targeting features to get your best ads in front of your best customers.

    Facebook has many ad types that can be used to help you build more local awareness, drive to targeted landing pages and get you more followers. No matter your goal, there’s probably a Facebook ad type that will work for you. Be careful, though. Advertising is another one of those things that are better left to the experts. Without experience or knowledge of proper targeting, you may end up losing money.

    We know It’s hard for restaurant owners to be able to handle all of the moving parts of their business and become digital marketing experts at the same time. If you’re new to SEO and digital marketing for your restaurant, it can be overwhelming.

    Don’t worry! We are here to help. Get in touch with us. We help you craft the best digital marketing plan for your business, all while you can focus on your business.